Posts Tagged ‘sleep talking


Sleep Talking with RTY: Disneyland

My first installment of what I hope to be a strange but funny trip to through my sleep talking ways brings us to…


First night recording FTW!

For my friends on iPhones and iPads click HERE to listen:

“Turn disneyland turn the end?”  I put it twice so you can get a good listen.

Can you make out what I say?  Carrie and I were talking and are sorta spooked out about the recording.  Thinking things like “what if it’s not you?” or ” maybe we’re not meant to hear ourselves talk!”  “we’re breaking some rule of the universe!”  If you listen enough to my recording, it starts to sound like the discovery scene in the 6th sense where bruce willis discovers the voices on the tape recorder.

For more on this sleep talking venture click here: