Posts Tagged ‘Genentech


We’ve Gone Street

I think this Generation’s urban sensibilities is catching up w my place of employment for the last 6 and a half years!

is a lot better than:

Whatever gets our name out there right?

In the Tenderloin, SF

Thanks Shannon!


6 Years Later…

On this day in 2004 I started working at the premiere biotechnology company, Genentech Inc.

A lot has changed in 6 years.  First off my haircut is a lot better (this was taken on the day I interviewed, and you may note that I am literally sweating it…)

I remember graduating from UC Berkeley and being like “now what?”  Despite promises of untold riches as a college grad, I found myself jobless.  So I returned as head of security of UC Berkeley’s Doe/Moffit Library.  Not only did I have a low paying job, I had no health care coverage and I had a mean cough that would NOT go away.

MikeJ was already at Genentech, and he was putting it in overdrive trying to get his dude in there.  Then one day, BAM!  Done and done, the boy got in!  The bad tie and shirt paid off (that shirt so does not fit my neck anymore…)  GREAT SUCCESS!

My badge photo taken on 10/4/2004.  That is the “God Dammit Welcome!” face!  I hope that haircut stays in style though, since the company only lets you change your badge every 10 years…

Genentech Parenteral Manufacturing Technician. That’s a mouthful and the honeymoon phase would be short-lived because I had some real hard work ahead of me.  My first day on the manufacturing floor was on Halloween 2004- fun’s over kids!  I thought I went to college so I wouldn’t have to toil away with manual labor, but boy was I wrong.  12 hour shifts, Sun-Tues, every other wednesday.  4 day weekends every other week were cool, but working 48 hours in 4 days was damn rough too.  After I got out of that job I put on some good muscle, and a lot of my people asked me how I did it.  I told them- being able to eat when you want to is a BIG help.

Throw yo hands in the ay-er

I’d wear the above outfit in the cleanroom for 2-6 hours at a time.  No food.  No water.  No pee.  While the work was hard, the camaraderie was deep.  During my time there we I (along with the rest of my shift) drafted a letter to our CEO Art Levinson when management was trying to steam roll us.  We scored a victory that saved a lot of people a lot of money.  Lotsa good homies from there till this day…


Research Associate, Toxicology. I went from a manufacturing job to a lab job, which was more intellectually stimulating, but still had a large physical demand which kept me on my toes.  My group was smaller so we grew real close, and had a lot of fun discussing usually not safe for work topics.  I worked with rats and I also worked with small rodents (LOL, JK!).

I think in that job I earned a rep as a hard working, dedicated, and ready to stand up for my people type of employee (most times to a fault).  We busted our butts and helped the company reach a lot of the corporate goals.

That job too ran its course and I was very fortunate to be in the right place at the right time as my job morphed into a new path and I now find myself as a cube dwelling Outsourcing Coordinator.

“Welcome to my cube”

I’ve been in my latest role officially since June, but had been doing components of the job since November of 2007.  The job is real cool because while there’s a loose set of policies, it’s the kind of job where you have a lot of novel problems you have to solve by playing some jazz.  Very cool.  And no rats trying to bite my ass.

One of the most rewarding things I’ve found in my time at GNE is that I’m still able to get out there and flaunt my athletic prowess (except for skateboarding).  Monday night hoop league, march madness tournaments, even the old PD Pentathlon where we whooped that ass with some tug o war…

It’s funny because when you start at Genentech, you circle your hire date on your calendar 6 years into the future because you become eligible for a 6 week sabbatical.  I’m not taking mine till next year with Birdie, but knowing that an extended break is on the horizon is pretty refreshing.

Let’s take a look back at some of the changes over the last 6 years:

Car 2004: 1999 Honda Civic (RIP), Car 2010: 2007 Honda Fit

Bodybuilding Shows competed 2004: 0, Bodybuilding Shows competed 2010: 3

Brothers 2004: 1, Brothers 2010: 2 3! (whattup vernon!) (and Jon! (thanks Kimmie!))

Top Single 2004: Yeah (usher, lil jon, ludacris), Top Single 2010: Just the way you are (bruno mars)

Phone 2004: t-mobile sidekick, random motorola flip phone (yes 2), Phone 2010: iPhone 4

Favorite Artist 2004: Kanye West, Favorite Artist 2010: John Mayer

Computer 2004: HP Desktop, Computer 2010: iPad (and macbook)

Blogs 2004: 0, Blogs 2010: 2

Favorite Sport 2004: Basketball, Favorite Sport 2010: Basketball/Bodybuilding/Skateboarding (3 way tie)

Weight 2004: 175, Weight 2010: 185

Favorite Show 2004: Smallville, Favorite Show 2010: Mad Men

Countries Visited 2004: 1 (Mexico), Countries Visited 2010: 5 (Mexico, S. America, Japan, Taiwan, Carribean)

Tattoos 2004: 1, Tattoos 2010: 3

President 2004: Bush (barf), President 2010: Obama (yea!)

Housing 2004: Emery Bay Apts- Rent, Housing 2010: Condo owner

Jordans 2004: 70+, Jordans 2010: round 35 maybe…

Girl 2004: various, Girl 2010: Mrs. Carrie Michelle Yokogawa

It’s been a good run so far- wonder what the next 6 years will hold…